Wednesday, January 27, 2010


This was an early morning for me as Lola, our car, had 2 boo-boo's that needed to be mended, so off she went to the shop, and off I went to a coffee shop to wait. I read for 2 1/2 hours, which was heaven, and then picked up Lola, and we were off.

We rented a fabulous movie called "Away We Go" on the weekend and decided we must own it, so I went to Roger's, for the 5th time since I've been in Cranbrook, to pick up the movie. Michelle, the most wonderful and helpful clerk at Roger's, has time and time again tried to find me a copy of "Glee" Season 1 Volume 1, and has even called Blockbuster to inquire if they had it. That is service! So today, Michelle, my second most favourite person of the day (the first always is and always will be Dustin), asked if she could help me! I had found the movie, and said I was good, and I was always looking for "Glee" but had come to terms with not finding it in Cranbrook. At that she said, "Let me just check the computer again!", and I waited, and then she casually said, "It says we have ONE!". My heart jumped, but I dared not let it get too excited, for surely the ONE DVD that they did have would have been scooped up by some other fanatical Gleek by now! She searched her desk shelves, glanced at the computer again and started to stroll over to a shelf 10 feet from the main desk. I walked, well sort of skipped, over to where she stood, and watched with joy as her right hand reached out for the colourful Brady-bunchesque cover, and there in her hand was the "Glee" DVD!!!

Not being a shy person, I almost hugged her, but was able to hold back and then proceeded to verbally hug and kiss her with words, letting her know that she will be my second favourite and most lovely person in Cranbrook today, that I would be blogging about her loveliness, and that she was just wonderful! And, being that I had just had a large mug of green tea, followed by a large glass of iced black tea, the caffeine decided to hit at that point, and I just glowed all the way home!

4 years ago today I was planning my father's funeral, and today I'm just full of glee! Time helps, kindness helps, and memories of being loved no matter what help the most!

Have a Glee filled day! I sure will!


nancy said...

I love you no matter what and you are the 'funniest' person I know (but don't tell Patti I said that). You made my day Gleeful with your Gleeful story and I will always remember that "Time helps, kindness helps, and loving no matter what is the best". Thanks Kiddo.

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