Monday, February 8, 2010

Visitors from Edmonton!

Five weeks into our stay our good friends Rob, Gabrielle and Blayke showed up to visit with us. Since Gabe's Birthday had just passed we had a birthday supper for her Friday night and then they all rested in their gorgeous room here at the ELL. Saturday we all piled into the Enclave and drove to Creston and then to Kimberley. The sun had decided to stay hidden for the trip, but the view was still remarkably beautiful with frost covered trees and hovering clouds. Really good food in Creston and then we visited a book store, a store called The Chocolate Orchard (yum) and checked out a fruit store. There is nothing like homemade apple juice! In Kimberley we walked through the Plaztl, which looked just like a Swiss town, or what I believe a Swiss would look like, and we all enjoyed a baked good from the Bavarian bakery. We ended our eating for the day at East Side Mario's in Cranbrook, that's where I picked up some food poisoning, rendering me incapacitated and disgusting for our last day together. Dustin went swimming and bowling with our friends. In the evening, Gabe was able to visit with me for a few hours, as I felt a little bit better by then. Each morning we had a real treat, Blayke all to ourselves. Dustin would go and get her and bring her to our room and we would play with her and feed her banana pieces. She's such a great eater. And now she crawls, waves and claps on command. They all gave her "high fives" at bowling last night, so this morning I tried to work with that skill and was very successful! A few tears were shed when they left, but we will see them again soon, well in April, which will come pretty soon.


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