Wednesday, June 2, 2010

First up!

Thank you Emily for helping me figure out how to put text on top of a picture!

Here is the first plant to sprout in the garden. Is it clover? No. Hmmm, is it hmmm, clover? No, you already guessed that, so let me help you, it is ARUGULA! Yay and Yum! This peppery green is perfect for salad or on sandwiches and great in lettuce rolls and our rice wraps. Of course we planted too much of it, so we'll really need people to come by and take some home.

Also sprouting is our Spring Salad Mix and our Romaine Lettuce. We had some of our Rhubarb last night and it was delicious. Keep checking for updates!


Melinda said...

Awesome! The first thing my garden has sprouted is WEEDS!! haha. Things at least warm there? I heard Calgary had some super cold weather. Did you too?

Murphy's said...

okay... I DO love your arugula....But I keep waiting for a new blog post and there is nothing but dry dirt staring at me EVERYTIME I check!

I know I owe you an email... but your blog makes me happy.

give me something... ANYTHING!

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