Saturday, June 26, 2010

In Memoriam: Arugula, Spring Salad Mix, Zinias

Slowly and painfully our poor little Arugula and Spring Salad Mix, surrounded by the Kale and Dill, succumbed to the holes left by slow moving Slugs and their destructive chewing. We are grateful to our good neighbour Colleen and our sister Patti for diagnosing the slugs. We ripped out our decimated plants by the roots. Here is the new crop of arugula, sprouting in 3 days after transplant.

These are the marigolds we planted to deter the slugs from remunching on our tender salad greens and to commemorate the loss of bowls of delicious salad. We'll drown the slugs in beer if we have to, but we want to avoid more death in the garden if we can.

The zinia died due to snow and cold weather, IN JUNE! They were mercilessly ripped from the pots and thrown on to the weed pile. Good bye happy little flowers.

In a victim impact statement made by the remaining Romaine, "Thank goodness it wasn't us!"


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