Sunday, September 12, 2010

bird versus window...

It was a peaceful Friday night. Dustin was serenading me with his classical guitar and I was reading Breaking Dawn of the Twilight Saga. Suddenly there was a dull, forceful thud on the window and feathers started to fly through the air.
We looked up with alarm and instantly realized that a birdie had hit our living room window. How sad, how traumatic. We have an awning so it's not very usual for birds to even come close to our window. Dustin ran outside to check on our feathered friend and discovered that it was alive, yet stunned. He donned some hair colour gloves and lifted the bird from the ground on to an overturned planter to keep the bird away from cats.
Because the bird was stunned, it sat there patiently and perfectly still while Dustin and I watched, waited and photographed. It's eye stayed shut for a long time and then started to open and close.

It must have stayed there for 1/2 hour while I ignored the Bella/Edward/Jacob triangle to watch the stationary bird. Eventually Dustin went outside to see if the bird could fly and indeed it could and landed in our Mountain Ash tree. He sat there for another hour and then he was gone.

No cat feasted on our tiny friend, and hopefully his family was glad to have him home.


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