Thursday, September 30, 2010

The walking, talking greeting card

Today is my day to have Miss Blayke and she was delivered to me with such a great shirt. "My Auntie is AWESOME"! Is there a nicer surprise in a morning? And, just to add to the joy, she now has a name for Dustin and for me. Dustin is "Du" and I am "Nay-Nay". Whenever Dustin walks into the room she just screams and laughs "DUUUUUUU!". Doesn't everyone feel that way when Dustin enters a room?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Is this your shirt?

I was folding laundry tonight and pulled this shirt out of my pile to fold and thought "Whose shirt is this? Size Small? Not mine!" So, Anna, Emily or Nan, all of you have been in our house in the last year. Is this your shirt?

Monday, September 20, 2010

too much information pants

When we visited Pigeon Lake for the August long weekend, we drove down to the Wetaskawin Co-op where Dustin tried on the green Wranglers. It was quite a shock when he emerged from the change room with these babies!
I started laughing, the sales woman started laughing. She told us that a lot of the older men in town love these pants and wear them all the time. There must be a lot of Jimminy Cricket looking old men walking around Wetaskawin. It took some convincing, but Dustin managed to leave the green Wranglers at the Co-op. I know, too bad. (really bad)

Friday, September 17, 2010

the magic headband

Dustin's hair is getting long in his attempt to look like "The Dude" from "The Big Lebowski". It's now at the stage where it gets in his eyes, so this week we tried PRODUCT! It definitely helped for his business look, but when at home and having to install our screen door it's all party with the orange headband. If this looks familiar to any of the Mo part of the Moper clan, it is! It's Dad's cottage headband. I wish I was adept enough to scan a picture of Dad wearing it while sawing something at the cottage. I had him wear it for two reasons. 1) keep the dude hair out of his face, 2) if it's Dad's headband, then he will be the handy man extraordinaire!
Sunday, September 12, 2010


It was the middle of Saskatchewan, past Regina, but not quite to Saskatoon. We talked about getting gas in Regina, when we already outside Regina. We were still stunned by the awfulness of Bonanza. At one point I looked at the odometer and it said 631 km, which made me think we must be almost down to nothing in the gas tank. I checked the "remaining" meter and it said 39 kms remaining, and I asked Dustin, who was driving, "Is the light on?". As the word "on" was hanging in the air, Dustin looked down and said, "Oh it just came on!"
The countdown had begun! We saw a town coming up, oops no services. I quickly pulled out the map. Which town would have a gas station? We had passed Craik "The Friendliest town by a Dam site", read the sign, but that was minutes before I let my curiosity get to me. The nearest town with a solid dot on the map, and a hospital, was 10 or more minutes away.
Okay, 24, hmm, would we make it? The atmosphere in the car could have been tense, panic ridden, but hey, the story value of such an incident was too good to pass up. Plus, we have CAA gold!
Wow, just in the nick of time Davidson came into view and there was a Shell station on the highway, maybe even a Tim Horton's in town. We coasted in with 14 kms to go. How happy we were to see that gas pump.

We love you pump 7!

bird versus window...

It was a peaceful Friday night. Dustin was serenading me with his classical guitar and I was reading Breaking Dawn of the Twilight Saga. Suddenly there was a dull, forceful thud on the window and feathers started to fly through the air.
We looked up with alarm and instantly realized that a birdie had hit our living room window. How sad, how traumatic. We have an awning so it's not very usual for birds to even come close to our window. Dustin ran outside to check on our feathered friend and discovered that it was alive, yet stunned. He donned some hair colour gloves and lifted the bird from the ground on to an overturned planter to keep the bird away from cats.
Because the bird was stunned, it sat there patiently and perfectly still while Dustin and I watched, waited and photographed. It's eye stayed shut for a long time and then started to open and close.

It must have stayed there for 1/2 hour while I ignored the Bella/Edward/Jacob triangle to watch the stationary bird. Eventually Dustin went outside to see if the bird could fly and indeed it could and landed in our Mountain Ash tree. He sat there for another hour and then he was gone.

No cat feasted on our tiny friend, and hopefully his family was glad to have him home.
Monday, September 6, 2010

Dink Bridge

In the shadows of these two lovely people was erected, a structure that defines Winnipeg. Are you intrigued?
At the base of this structure we stood marvelling at it's hugeness. Glenn Murray, Winnipeg's best, and gayest mayor, left his mark on the Forks by creating the Promenade de Riel!
Notice the long shaft and the spherical base. The structure clearly a cryptic depiction of something extremely masculine. aka the Dink Bridge... (we couldn't take Moofut as he's too young to have to have the talk)

Coming Soon...

We apologize for not posting lately. We have no excuses. Here is a picture we took on our recent trip to Manitoba. This was the vanilla ice "cream" from Bonanza in Regina. I think the 80's and the Bonanza restaurant chain is breathing it's last. We were laughing so hard when this pathetic turd came out of the machine.

More to come...
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