Sunday, May 30, 2010

Please read from the bottom!

When I asked Dustin if he had any requests for flowers, he requested Snapdragons. It's important to let Snapdragons dry out completely before watering them again, that's why we planted them all in one pot. Thank you Marlene for all of your hard work and equipment. We are already attracting the birds and the bees.
Petunias with a trailing flower to fill in the pot.
These pots are mostly Orange flowers with accents of blue flowers to bring out the Orange. These are the plants that the Canada Post employee will get to enjoy when delivering our mail.
This is one of our completed pots with yellow and purple flowers. It's very important to know which plants are "trailing". I think all of the flowers in this pot are trailing, so this one will bubble over and drip down over the pot.
Here are the flowers I picked for the pots. I know there are Snap Dragons, Super Bells, Zinia and Petunia, but I don't know what else I picked.

It was Gardening week this past week and here are the bags dirt, pots and some metal pots for pepper plants. Marlene generously donated her time, dirt, pots, and experience to make our front steps look like a country garden. We planted everything in about an hour.
Friday, May 21, 2010

Visiting an old friend

After cleaning off the camera lens, the beauty of the pictures we took began to improve. This is one of the best shots we managed to obtain during our trip. I mean look at this guy. This is a handsome animal 12.5 years young. Chantry the Boston Terrier (God loves a Terrier) was still willing to get it up once in a while and play with his toys. Speaking of getting it up, Chantry still managed to fall in love all over again with the leg of a certain Scotty. The ever illusive and yet intriguing Scotty always manages to draw a crowd Russian or otherwise. Thanks for the memories Chantry. We hope we see more of you in the future. You're our favourite little boston terrier.

When Bad cameras happen to Good people

One week ago today, we attended our Niece's wedding. As you can see, this is not the greatest picture in the sense that the resolution is far from satisfactory. In fact, one might say the picture sucks. This was, however, the best picture we were able to obtain in the nearly 9 hours within which we witnessed the adventure which was Anna and Lorne's wedding. What do you do when your $400.00 camera is making a mockery of you and the Ogg is ever present impeding your options for taking good shots? If those of you out there have any tips, feel free to share.

So near the end of the weekend, Dustin, after taking photographs that appeared as if he was just emerging from the wreckage of a nautical disaster, noticed the camera lens was smudged
and smugged. Sometimes one just has to except that destiny is not on your side and neither is your equipment. We wish the bride and groom well and hope they are having a wonderful time in Disney World. Thanks for sharing your special day with us.

Oh Great Sebastian!

Sebastian got to meet me and provided me with 2 poopy diapers to change. I didn't mind since I just got to spend more time with this sweet boy!
Sebastian loved Dustin and didn't poop at all while being cuddled.

Sebastian met his new pal Rextler the sock monster. Will he ever be as famous as Moofut? Only time and Sebastians' life adventures will tell. For those who don't know, Sebastian is our great nephew. That makes us sound Old! We love you Sebastian. You have wonderful parents who are doing a fantastic job with you. Make sure to kiss them many times a day for us!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Tulips are such troopers.
My feet were wet after this walk
Dustin digging
May 5th, the day after

What a terrible storm yesterday. Here are some of the pictures from around our house and the dig out that happened after it all came down. The picture of my tulips was taken at about 10 am, but when I got home at 3pm, I couldn't even find them. There was 16 mm of snow that fell, but it looked more like a foot, and it was that really wet, snowman snow. Driving was a real challenge as well since every big truck felt that we were all going too slow, so they would whiz by, kicking up floods of slush on our windshields. It's only 0 degrees out right now, which is really strange for a Spring storm as it usually falls one day, warms up overnight, and melts the next. What is this world coming too? I'll keep you posted on the tulips, if I ever find them again.
Sunday, May 2, 2010

A destination wedding

Our hands during the ceremony.

This weekend we went to our friend's wedding at Fort Edmonton Park. Mel and Chris made it a lovely day from start to finish. I did the hair in the morning and early afternoon, and then we were able to just relax and enjoy the day.
Our place cards.
Mel and Chris spared no detail to make the day fun and memorable, and very genuine and moving. We all felt included and important.
Mel's niece and my buddy Hannah decorated this cake for them.
They were bestowed with the "Bride Box" from our wedding, and, keeping with tradition, it was carried by a man, Issac in this case.
This is the gorgeous Melanie and Chris on their beautiful day. Many blessings to you on your life together.
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